therapy for Blacksheep and MisFits,
The socially awkward, The rebels, and the ones who refuse to fit into a box
Somatic and Nature-based Trauma therapy for Individuals in Colorado, with a focus on LGBTQIA+ and marginalized communities
Helping you take back your joy, power, And voice
Sometimes we experience things in life that cause us to harden; we end up having to create armor to walk through the world more safely. There's so much wisdom in that armor, in the ways we learn to protect ourselves. And sometimes that armor does not serve us; it gets in the way of truly living, and experiencing care and support from those we want to let in. What would it be like to only wear that armor, to only harden when you choose? What could life look like if you learn to soften when you choose?

Feeling like You’re too much and not enough at the Same Time?
Maybe you’re struggling with how past painful experiences are impacting your current relationships, possibly while struggling to even know who you are in your relationship. You feel like you are watching your life go by and wishing you could live it; wishing you could have the fulfillment, joy, and connection it seems everyone else does.
Maybe you’re seeking a sense of meaning and belonging in your life while also navigating the impact of oppressive systems and institutions. Or just really fucking tired of society’s focus on what I call “toxic resiliency culture,” when there should be a critical look at the systemic and cultural issues that require us to develop resiliency.
HEy There, I’m Parker!
I’m So Glad You’re Here.
Starting therapy is hard enough on its own, but the process of trying to find a therapist who is a good fit can make it all feel impossible. I believe that most concerns that bring individuals to counseling are symptoms of institutional and systemic oppression and violence.
I take a radical, out-of-the-box and anti-oppressive approach to therapy. I integrate various therapeutic methods to incorporate your body, mind and lived experience into the work that we do.
Counseling with me is a nonjudgmental place where you can be challenged without being shamed, and be met with a compassionate understanding of the impact of systemic gaslighting that can often leave us feeling like the problem that needs “fixed.”
Learn the skills and tools you need to find your voice, set your boundaries, and honor your joy in relationships outside of therapy. Re-develop a relationship with your body as resource and canvas rather than battleground or prison.
I’m Here to help you…
Navigate the Impact of Trauma on Relationships & your Body
We can’t change the past. AND, we can take ourselves in the direction of healing. Our work together can support you in creating a life of joy and authentic connection
Find LGBTQIA+ Affirming & Responsive Services
Receive support in a safe and affirming environment from a therapist of lived experience. Continue living more into your authenticity as you navigate internalized oppression, religious trauma and harm, family of origin issues, and more
Heal in & through Relationship to Nature
Those who have struggled with traditional talk therapies or benefit from services that are “outside the box.” Ecotherapy or Wilderness therapy offers alternative methods of healing.
Reconcile & Redefine Masculinity in your life
Construct a masculinity of integrity through healing and recovering from toxic masculinity. Redefine masculinity to incorporate open-hearted and tender presence in community and relationships.
Explore Privilege in a Nonjudgmental & Compassionate Space
Supportive and curious accountability to explore the ways privileged identities impact which version of the world is within our awareness. Continue learning and growing as you shift the ways you move through the world.
Increase community and cultural awareness
Training, Supervision and Consultation to support trauma-informed and culturally responsive therapists & health care professionals, victim-service providers, corporate executives & human resource professionals, educators and more.
Wondering if my Approach is a good fit for you?
If you’re seeking a therapeutic relationship in which we both bring our expertise to this work, reach out!
If you’re expecting every session to be fully directed by the therapist, I’m likely not the best fit for you.
I have a significant amount of experience, training, and education that prepare me to do the work I do really well. However, my expertise doesn’t help you with your work if you don’t also bring your expertise about you. You are more of an expert on your life & experience than I or anyone else will ever be. For therapy to have the potential to be healing magic, we need you to bring that expertise. I am a good fit for Clients who bring that expertise to our work together.
If you are open to or already bringing intention to prioritizing long-term healing and growth, even while knowing that might take quite some time, you should schedule a consult!
If you are seeking a quick fix of any kind, but especially one that requires the least amount of energy, commitment and investment, the work I do is likely not a good fit for you.
Although I wish I could wave a wand that would magically heal everyone and improve the systemic issues that make the work I do necessary, I cannot.
This work takes time, energy, and a fierce commitment to our healing. It’s okay to not yet be ready to do that layer and that kind of work, AND I am unlikely to be a great fit for the work you are wanting to do in therapy right now if that’s the case.
If that is the work you are ready and wanting to do, and you are no longer willing or able to avoid the hard things that are messy and uncomfortable, reach out. We are likely ready to do this work together, even if you (or I) are keenly aware of the exhaustion already felt around this work.
If you are motivated to heal and open to trying new things, like body-centered, relational, and experiential therapies, reach out!
If you desire traditional approaches to therapy that prioritize changing the way you think about the problem rather than exploring & honoring your direct experience of the body or emotions, the work I do is likely not a good fit for you.
You are unlikely to get what you want from my practice if you are seeking cognitive-oriented talk therapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT). These approaches have their place & purpose, and they are not the foundation of the work I do, especially not in the beginning. In fact, cognitive-oriented approaches can be re-traumatizing or feel abusive to many folks, especially those from marginalized communities.
Maybe you don’t know what kind of approach you want or need your therapist to take. That’s totally fine! Schedule a consult with me and we can discuss what kind of approach I might use in my work with you, based on your needs.
And…If you are also open to sharing the new things you learn and the healing you find with others in order to support healing within your community and to create systemic change, I definitely want you to reach out!

Ready to Get UnStuck?
Bring that dedication to healing, doing the deep work, and finding joy in life to an initial consultation with me.
Schedule a free initial consultation and we can discuss your goals, concerns, and desires for the work you are doing and I can answer questions about my approach, experience, and practice. You’ll get the most benefit out of therapy if you are working with someone you feel comfortable with and understood by. If it seems like we are a good fit to work together, you can complete initial forms to get started.
We can discuss your needs around session frequency, including weekly or bi-weekly appointments, before scheduling an ongoing appointment time that most consistently works with our schedules.
Identify and leverage the skills, strength, and resources you had long before you ever attended a therapy session. Receive supportive and compassionate presence to remind you of your goodness and challenge your internal messaging rooted in trauma and systems of oppression. Turn off the auto-pilot or get off the merry-go-round to live a life of meaningful choice, authenticity, and joy.
Therapy Made to Fit Your Life!
Get support from anywhere in Colorado via a secure and HIPAA-compliant virtual platform for video sessions. No matter where you live in Colorado, online therapy allows therapy to come to you while better working with your busy schedule.