Please read through my website for information about my practice, services, and next steps. I share about my approach, values, and expertise so that potential clients have insight into who I am, how I practice, underlying principles of my work, and what clients can expect in their work with me.

Please feel free to email me* if you have additional questions not addressed on my website!

If you are ready to set up an initial consultation…

Please fill out the form below or send me an email directly. In your message, please be sure to include days and times you have availability for a 30-minute virtual initial consultation. 

I typically respond to emails or calls within 2 business days. After a weekend, vacation, or wilderness intensive, I typically respond to emails or calls the first business day upon return to the office. I do not respond to missed calls without a voicemail. Please note that voicemails do not always come through clearly. If you have not received a return call from me within 2 business days, please reach out to me via email or the contact form below*. 

*Although I work to protect your privacy, please note that I cannot guarantee email and this contact form are secure means of communication. As such, I discourage the disclosure of highly sensitive personal information in the form above or via email. If you choose to disclose sensitive or confidential information through email or this contact form, I will assume you assessed the risks and made an informed decision, knowing that any information shared electronically by these means may be compromised.